The best screws - fllirizzini English version

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The best screws


"Simplicity" does not mean "Simplify"

It might seem that a screw has the sole function of keeping together the pieces of a mechanism yet, when it is used in a shotgun, it can enhance or alterate its aesthetics.
If you agree with the idea of using special screws where, due to limited room, the slotted screws could not perform their task well, you can criticize the choice of using more "modern" screws just to simplify the finish process.
A well aligned slotted screw embedded in the steel of a gun raises its aesthetic like a diamond in a jewel. But it is also true that accomplish this without damage is very difficult and requires special equipment, skilled personnel and time.
By removing the slotted screws you sacrifice aesthetics and intrinsic value of the shotgun and if someone will claim to have done that to simplify the disassembly of the  gun remind him that, long ago, hand detachable locks were invented for this purpose.

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